Our Thai Cooking Team
Phatchanee (Pat) Sainet
Phatchanee (Pat) Sainet grew up in the province of Ubon-Ratchathani. She has been in Switzerland since 2004, a big change in her life. One thing Pat needs to bridge the gap is Thai food, which she loves - not only to eat, but also to cook. Taught by her mother, she has been practising the art of cooking since she was a child.
In summer 2006 Pat took a ten-day advanced training course at the Modern Woman Cooking School in Bangkok. Completing this course (which is exclusively for Thai people), Pat earned the diploma "Cooking Original Thai Food" (see below).
Pat bei der Diplomübergabe
Felix Weber
Felix Weber studied Mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, but deviated from that field soon after graduation and became a journalist and copy writer specialised in high technology and economy (see www.readme.ch). He has been in that business since 1984. Felix has travelled a lot - especially in South East Asia, where he discovered scuba diving as his favourite hobby.
Felix founded Thai Cooking in the year 2002 and has since attended two cooking courses in Thailand - one of them notably at the Thai House near Bangkok. He does the administrative work, runs this website and supports Pat in the courses, which take place in Felix's private home in Herrliberg.